Light Our World with the Power of Christ

I remember being warned when I was a little girl not to play with matches. Thankfully, I never did. I do remember the joy of birthday parties and the scramble to find a book of matches to light the candles. Why did my parents look in the junk drawer last? Little did I know as a child about the kind of fire that could be lit in your heart when you make Jesus your Savior.

On a Mission to Ruin My Life

By the time I was 13, I had already run away from home. I skipped school frequently and experimented with drugs occasionally. I had zero interest in Christianity, and I thought my teachers and parents were on a mission to ruin my life. The days seemed long at my Christian school. One student, Leslie, went out of her way to befriend me. When she invited me to a movie night at her church I said yes. When the movie was over, I raised my hand for prayer.

Weeks later, my family was invited to a healing service. We weren’t church goers, but we went to the healing service out of love for my brother. My brother was sick frequently and has Down Syndrome. After they prayed for my brother, they extended an altar call for those who wanted to make Christ their Savior. Much to my surprise, I felt the same nudge I experienced at Leslie’s church. I fought it for a bit and then stood up and walked down the aisle. With tears streaming down my face I knelt at the altar and gave my heart to Christ.

On Fire

 After that, service my brother was never hospitalized again. My life was also dramatically changed. I went from troubled teen to on fire with the love of Christ. One Sunday, my pastor preached a sermon using Psalm 2:8: Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession (KJV).

Pastor Gardner explained that I could rewrite the history of my family through prayer. After that sermon I started believing that my family and friends would all eventually come to faith in Christ. Over the years I have seen God honor my prayers.

I Found Her on Facebook

More than 40 years had passed, but I wanted to find Leslie and say thank you. Where would I be without her boldness? I was ecstatic when I found her on Facebook. I messaged her and expressed my appreciation. She and I keep in touch now. We pray for one another and encourage each other to stay bold and share Christ every opportunity we get.

Rewrite Your Family History

We can all rewrite the history of our families through prayer. We can light our world with the power of Christ by daring to share His love without undue concern over the response. It’s never wise to play with matches.

Today’s Secret from the Studio: It’s very wise to allow the love of Christ to ignite a flame in your heart that burns so brightly it extinguishes the darkness.