Stay in Your Own Lane

The word NO is comprised of just two letters –--- and yet it can be so hard to say and so easily misunderstood.

 At WHTN we’ve had to say no to a number of potential Bridges guests over the years. The NO wasn’t necessarily about the quality of the guest or even my interest level in the subject. Most of the time the no was just because that subject wasn’t a good fit for the Bridges show. For example, we’ve never done a Bridges show in support of a political candidate or party. Of course, I vote and pray for our governmental leaders – I just never made that a part of the Bridges show.

No One is Beyond Redemption

 I made an intentional decision when the Bridges show launched – to focus on the hope we have in Christ. I want Bridges to be a show that encourages everyday people (like me) to boldly live out their faith in Christ. I want to open the conversation to include tough topics like adultery and addiction – and loudly declare that faith in Christ changes everything. Because of Christ no one is beyond redemption – and no one is left alone without hope. In order to accomplish that on Bridges sometimes that two letter word no had to be a part of the conversation. It isn’t necessarily easy to say no---- but it is necessary to say no. I like to think of it as “Staying in My Lane”.

We all have a lane – a place that highlights who we are and accentuates our God given unique gifts and talents. We live in a world filled with choices and opportunities. There are many good options readily available but finding your lane is about what’s best for you. Finding your lane starts with knowing when to say Yes and when to say No.

 Way Over My Head

It’s usually not good when we say yes – and we should have said no. For example, I had a guest on Bridges once whose specialty was Biblical Prophecy. Clearly, there is nothing wrong with Biblical Prophecy. I enjoy studying Biblical Prophecy. The issue is that I am not an expert on the subject. Much of what my very learned guest said was way over my head. Plus, my expert guest did not want to share his personal faith story. Instead, he wanted to focus only on his book. I put myself in a position where I was out of my lane – and it showed in the interview. My bad choice taught me lots of lessons about finding and staying in my lane.

 Find what you’re good at and do lots of it. If it’s outside of your expertise or interests– say no and move on. The word no may be hard to say or even misunderstood but sometimes it’s just necessary. There is a lane that’s just for you. You will find that lane when you learn when to say yes and when to say no.

Today’s Secret from the Studio – Stay in Your Own Lane.