When Addiction Meets Grace

The subject of addiction is complex and controversial. Whether you believe addiction is a disease or a choice is up to you. What we know for sure is that millions of lives are affected by addiction. Many people report feeling trapped in their addiction while family and friends struggle to pinpoint the fine line between support and enablement. As the host of Bridges, I have interviewed hundreds of people with addiction stories. I’ve also personally experienced the pain and fear of loving someone that battles addiction. While it isn’t easy, I have come to know the grace of our Savior in a deeper way.

No Pat Answers or Cliche Quotes

If you are entrenched in an addiction or love someone who is, I understand your pain and feel the sting of your tears. I won’t offer you pat answers or cliché quotes. I will offer you compassion and what I’ve learned personally, and in the studio about this treacherous journey. Addiction can be a scary road, but it is not a contradiction of faith to be afraid and brave. Jesus demonstrated that in the Garden of Gethsemane. We are made in God’s image and created as triune beings. This means if we have a physical addiction, we need to treat the whole person, body, soul, and spirit.

Since addiction affects everyone, family and friends usually need help as well. I found Christian counseling and Celebrate Recovery helpful. While I highly recommend everyone seek the medical treatment, godly counsel, and support we need here on earth, nothing compares to the power of GRACE. Grace is the most outrageous lavish gift a human being could receive, and it is ours for the asking. Grace covers our sin and makes our lives brand new. Grace changes the desires of our heart and gives us the supernatural ability to do His will.

Grace Makes Religious People Angry

Grace frees us from the sting of sin and the prison of bondage. Grace makes religious people angry and hell tremble. Grace frees the enabler and the addicted. While it is true that we don’t deserve grace, it’s also true that God offers us grace because He loves us. Let’s consider a 10-year old’s birthday party. Imagine a child opening gifts from their parents and being told --- you don’t deserve these gifts because you lied about doing your homework last week. Wouldn’t this kind of birthday party shaming be awful? Isn’t it more like --we bought you these gifts because we love you?

That is exactly what grace is like for us. We don’t deserve it. But it is our Good and Merciful Father’s pleasure to wrap us in His grace and take all that is wrong and make it right. To you my dear friends and readers, wherever you are in the battle against addiction, please know that you are loved, and that grace is yours for the asking.

Today’s Secret from the Studio: Never Underestimate the Power of Grace.